Data Analysis with R

R is introduced with the goal of making data analysis easier to start with. No prior knowledge is required and all of the steps, from software installation to data analysis, are explained. One tutorial demonstrates the first steps needed to analyze the dataset from an online Delphi questionnaire in Kauschke et al. (2023). The dataset used in the tutorial is publicly accessible ( The R tutorial is available in PDF format:

Schifano, J., Dieudonné , J., Abele, R. & Niederberger, M. (2024). Einführung in die open source Statistiksoftware R. Datenanalyse einer Delphi-Studie.

Using Unipark to program Delphi Surveys

Unipark is a commercially available software program for conducting online surveys. The handbook below shows how to carry out a Delphi study using Unipark. Delphi studies require special elements that are not usually found in conventional population surveys, for instance, the feedback. Hence, these elements must, in part, be programmed by the individual if the software that is used has been developed for general online surveys and not specifically for Delphi studies. In this handbook, we share our experience carrying out Delphi studies using Unipark.

Spranger, J. & Niederberger, M. (2023). Handbuch: Unipark für Delphi-Befragungen. Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd. 

Instructions for Literature Research with Rayyan

This program manual was written to assist research teams in using Rayyan as an option for systematic verification during literature research. Our instructions can give a clearly organized introduction to screening a multitude of studies with Rayyan and an understanding of the program's possibilities.

The Dewiss network wishes good luck and success with your screening!

Sestak, X., Trompke, M., Hirt, J., Spranger, J. & Niederberger, M. (2023). Anleitung zur Studienauswahl mit Hilfe des Programms Rayyan.